Valentine’s Day Celebrating Love & Friendship
Valentine’s Day Celebrating Love & Friendship Mexico celebrates Valentine's Day, El Dia del Amor y la Amistad on February 14. Warm, festive and generous, this is how most foreigners who’ve had the opportunity to live for a while among us define Mexicans. They say that not only are we known for displaying our willingness to show affection, but also the need for feeling pampered by those closest to us. Maybe that’s why we’ve embraced Valentine’s Day with such enthusiasm every February 14 th , a date that many consider somewhat commercial, but one that we’ve enriched with our traditions as well as an original idea or two about how to show our love for someone, here in Mexico. It’s true that celebrating this date has no connection with our history, but then again; love is a cause for celebration for all human beings and civilizations. And just as the Greeks and the Romans had deities that represented this feeling in a...