Hay muchas maneras de hablar del pasado en inglés, pero el pasado simple es la forma más común. Usamos el pasado simple para acciones completas en el pasado. En el pasado simple hay verbos regulares y verbos irregulares.
Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)
Form (Forma)
Para formar el pasado simple con verbos regulares, usamos el infinitivo y añadimos la terminación “-ed”. La forma es la misma para todas las personas (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
want → wanted
learn → learned
stay → stayed
walk → walked
show → showed
1. Para verbos que terminan en una “e”, sólo añadimos “-d”.
change → changed
believe → believed
2. Si el verbo termina en una vocal corta y una consonante (excepto “y” o “w”), doblamos la consonante final.
stop → stopped
commit → committed
3. Con verbos que terminan en una consonante y una “y”, se cambia la “y” por una “i”.
study → studied
try → tried
Nota: Hay muchos verbos irregulares en inglés. Desafortunadamente. A continuación tienes los tres verbos irregulares más comunes y los que actúan como verbos auxiliares.
Past simple
was (I, he, she, it) were (you, we, they)
A continuación tienes un video con los verbos irregulares mas utilizados.
Structure (Estructura)
1. Affirmative Sentences(Frases afirmativas)
Sujeto + verbo principal…
She was a doctor.(Era doctora.)
The keys were in the drawer.(Las llaves estaban en el cajón.)
I wanted to dance.(Quería bailar.)
They learned English.(Aprendieron inglés.)
We believed him.(Le creímos.)
I bought a blue car.(Compré un coche azul.)
2. Negative Sentences(Frases negativas)
To be:
Sujeto + “to be” en pasado was/were + “not”…
She wasn’t a doctor.(Ella no era doctora.)
The keys weren’t in the drawer.(Las llaves no estaban en el cajón.)
Todos los demás verbos:
Sujeto + verbo auxiliar en pasado (did) + “not” + verbo principal (en infinitivo)…
I didn’t want to dance.(No quería bailar.)
They didn’t learn English.(No aprendieron inglés)
We didn’t believe him.(No le creímos.)
I didn’t buy a blue car.(No compré un coche azul.)
Nota: En frases negativas, el verbo auxiliar va en pasado (“did”) y el verbo principal se queda en el infinitivo.
3. Interrogative Sentences(Frases interrogativas)
To be:
“Was/were” + sujeto…?
Was she a doctor?(¿Era doctora?)
Were the keys in the drawer?(¿Estaban las llaves en el cajón?)
Todos los demás verbos:
Verbo auxiliar (did) + sujeto + verbo principal (en infinitivo)…?
Did you want to dance?(¿Querías bailar?)
Did they learn English?(¿Aprendieron inglés?)
Did you believe him?(¿Le creíste?)
Did you buy a blue car?(¿Compraste un coche azul?)
Nota: Al igual que en las frases negativas, el verbo auxiliar va en pasado (“did”) y el verbo principal se queda en el infinitivo.
Uses (Usos)
1. El pasado simple se utiliza para hablar de una acción concreta que comenzó y acabó en el pasado. Generalmente, lo usamos con adverbios de tiempo como “last year”, “yesterday”, “last night”…
Tom stayed at home last night.(Tom se quedó en casa anoche.)
Kate worked last Saturday.(Kate trabajó el sábado pasado.)
I didn’t go to the party yesterday.(No fui a la fiesta ayer.)
Did they walk to school this morning?(¿Han ido a la escuela esta mañana?)
2. Se usa el pasado simple para un serie de acciones en el pasado.
I received the good news and immediately called my husband.(Recibí la buena noticia y llamé de inmediato a mi marido.)
He studied for an hour in the morning, worked all afternoon and didn’t return home until 10 at night.(Estudió durante una hora por la mañana, trabajó toda la tarde y no regresó a casa hasta las 10 de la noche.)
3. También lo usamos para acciones repetidas o habituales en el pasado.
We always traveled to Cancun for vacation when we were young.(Siempre viajábamos a Cancun durante las vacaciones cuando éramos jóvenes.)
He walked 5 kilometers every day to work.(Caminaba 5 kilómetros hasta el trabajo cada día.)
4. Lo usamos para narraciones o acciones de períodos de largo tiempo en el pasado.
I worked for many years in a museum.(Trabajé en un museo durante muchos años.)
She didn’t eat meat for years.(No comío carne durante años.)
5. Se utiliza para hablar de generalidades o hechos del pasado.
The Aztec lived in Mexico.(Los aztecas vivíeron en México)
I played the guitar when I was a child.(Tocaba la guitarra cuando era niño.)
PRIMER EJERCICIO Q1 of 10 Sam stopped the car to take a picture. Q2 of 10 I studied for the exam for three hours. Q3 of 10 They were happy to be home. Q4 of 10 Sally was disappointed she missed the party. Q5 of 10 When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer. Q6 of 10 Dan didn't work / did not work last week. Q7 of 10 Did you wash the dishes? Q8 of 10 I dreamt / dreamed I could fly last night. Q9 of 10 We met them at the restaurant. Q10 of 10 Did you find your book?
Q1 of 8 swam / beach / I / the / at / sea / in / the : I swam in the beach. Q2 of 8 football / children / the / park / the / in / played : The children played football in the part. Q3 of 8 ? / keys / you / did / find / your : Did you find your keys? Q4 of 8 the / left / we / hotel / bags / our / at : We left our bags at the hotel. Q5 of 8 school / she / to / didn't / yesterday / go : She didn´t go to school yesterday. Q6 of 8 at / meeting / he / was / the / ? : Was he at the meeting? Q7 of 8 night / we / good / went / a / to / last / restaurant : We went to a good restaurant last night. Q8 of 8 study / he / exam / didn't / the / for : He didn´t study for the exam.
Resultados Q1 of 8 I swam in the sea at the beach Respuesta correcta ________________________________________ Q2 of 8 the children played football in the park Respuesta correcta ________________________________________ Q3 of 8 did you find your keys? Respuesta correcta ________________________________________ Q4 of 8 we left our bags at the hotel Respuesta correcta ________________________________________ Q5 of 8 she didn't go to school yesterday Respuesta correcta ________________________________________ Q6 of 8 was he at the meeting? Respuesta correcta ________________________________________ Q7 of 8 we went to a good restaurant last night Respuesta correcta ________________________________________ Q8 of 8 he didn't study for the exam Respuesta correcta Tu nota es la siguiente: 100 %
1. Sam stopped the car to take a picture. 2. I studied for the exam for three hours. 3. They were happy to be home. 4. Sally was disappointed she missed the party. 5. When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer. 6. Dan didn't work / did not work last week. 7. Did you wash the dishes? 8. I dreamt / dreamed I could fly last night. 9. We met them at the restaurant. 10. Did you find your book?
Vocabulary skill: suffixes Los sufijos en inglés más comunes y cómo usarlos Usted está Si quieres aumentar tu vocabulario rápidamente, uno de los trucos más efectivos es aprender cómo se forman las palabras ( word formation ). Las palabras en inglés pueden tener prefijos (letras que se añaden al principio de una palabra) o sufijos (al final). Los sufijos pueden cambiar el significado o la función de una palabra. Si conoces los más comunes y cómo usarlos, te será mucho más fácil deducir el significado de una palabra nueva. Además, ampliarás tu vocabulario instantáneamente al crear derivados de las palabras que ya conoces. A continuación te explicamos cómo utilizarlos y los tipos de palabras con sufijos que existen. Ejemplos de sufijos en inglés para sustantivos -dom Se añade a sustantivos o adjetivos para formar otros sustantivos. Por ejemplo: King / kingdom (rey / reino) Free / fre...
Vocabulary skill: Preffixes Prefijos en inglés Los prefijos en inglés funcionan de una forma similar al castellano . Son elementos (morfemas) que se colocan delante de una palabra y modifican su significado, pero no funcionan de manera independiente. Es común verlos distinguidos con un guión de la palabra a la que anteceden. Sin embargo esta forma de escribirlos es, la mayor parte de las veces, incorrecta. prefijo Dis denota una negación que acompaña frecuentemente a sustantivos. Significa des, in : -arm/disarms = armado/desarmado -infectant/disinfectants = infectante/desinfectante prefijo Under significa sub, des, menos, bajo. Tiene el mismo significado que el prefijo Sub : -production/underproduction = producción/subproducción -developed/underdeveloped = desarrollado/subdesarrollado prefijo Over Over significa sobre, demasiado, excesivo, más de : -time/overtime = tiempo,vez/horas extras, sobre tiempo -charge/overcharge = carga/sobrecarga prefijo ...
GRAMÁTICA 6 Voz pasiva y voz activa Al igual que en español, en inglés existe voz activa y pasiva. La voz activa es la que usamos normalmente en la que hay un sujeto que realiza una acción. La voz pasiva se usa cuando queremos centrar la atención no en el sujeto, sino en el objeto o persona afectada por dicha acción. Por eso, aunque el orden normal de las oraciones en inglés es: The new shopping mall employs 125 people from Stratford Sujeto + Verbo + Objeto Este orden cambia cuando usamos la pasiva para poner el énfasis en el objeto o persona afectada por la acción : 125 people from Stratford are employed by the new shopping mall Objeto + to be + pasado participio + Complementos ¡Importante! Solo los verbos transitivos pueden usarse en pasiva, ya que los intransitivos no tiene objeto. ¿Cómo se forma la voz pasiva? La buena noticia es que la estructura de la pasiva es muy sencilla: lo importante ...
Q1 of 8
ReplyDeleteI swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
she didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Miss Connie...
DeleteI am Maria the los Angeles Garcia.
And this is past simple task.
Q1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
The children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
We left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
She didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
He didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Thank you.
Hello miss Connie...
ReplyDeleteI am Maria de los Angeles Garcia, and this is my second task (Past simple).
Q1 of 10
Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan didn't work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamt I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteQ1 of 10
Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan didn't work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamt I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
ReplyDeleteQ1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
she didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteQ1 of 8
ReplyDeleteswam / beach / I / the / at / sea / in / the
I swam in the sea at the beach
Q2 of 8
football / children / the / park / the / in / played
the children played football in the park
Q3 of 8
? / keys / you / did / find / your
Did you find your keys'
Q4 of 8
the / left / we / hotel / bags / our / at
We left our bags at hotel
Q5 of 8
school / she / to / didn't / yesterday / go
She disn´t go to school yesterday
Q6 of 8
at / meeting / he / was / the / ?
Was he at the the meeting?
Q7 of 8
night / we / good / went / a / to / last / restaurant
we went to a good restaurant last night
Q8 of 8
study / he / exam / didn't / the / for
He didn´t study for the exam
yolanda valverio
ReplyDeletefirst link
Q1 of 10
Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan didn't work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamed I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
and second link
Q1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
she didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
ReplyDeleteQ1 of 10
Sam STOPPED the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I STUDIED for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They WERE happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally WAS disappointed she MISSED the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always WENT to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan DIDN'T WORK last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
DID you WASH the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I DREAMT I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We MET them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
DID you FIND your book?
Respuesta correcta
Q1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
The children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
We left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
She didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
Was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
He didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Ejercicio 1
ReplyDeleteP1 de 10
Sam DETENÍA el auto para tomar una foto.
Respuesta correcta
P2 de 10
Estudié para el examen durante tres horas.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 de 10
Estaban felices de estar en casa.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 de 10
Sally se decepcionó de que se haya perdido la fiesta.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 de 10
Cuando era joven, siempre FUE a Florida durante el verano.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 de 10
Dan NO TRABAJÓ la semana pasada.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 de 10 ¿
TE LAVABAS los platos?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 de 10
Soñé que podía volar anoche.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 de 10
Los encontramos en el restaurante.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 de 10
¿Encontró su libro?
Respuesta correcta
Ejercicio 2
P1 de 8
Nadé en el mar en la playa
Respuesta correcta
P2 de 8
Los niños jugaban al fútbol en el parque
Respuesta correcta
Q3 de 8
¿Encontraste las llaves?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 de 8
Dejamos nuestras maletas en el hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 de 8
Ella no fue a la escuela ayer
Respuesta correcta
Q6 de 8
¿Estaba en la reunión?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 de 8
Fuimos a un buen restaurante anoche
Respuesta correcta
Q8 de 8
no estudió para el examen
Respuesta correcta
Q1 of 10 Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Q2 of 10 I studied for the exam for three hours.
Q3 of 10 They were happy to be home.
Q4 of 10 Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Q5 of 10 When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Q6 of 10 Dan didn't work / did not work last week.
Q7 of 10 Did you wash the dishes?
Q8 of 10 I dreamt / dreamed I could fly last night.
Q9 of 10 We met them at the restaurant.
Q10 of 10 Did you find your book?
Q1 of 10 swam / beach / I / the / at / sea / in / the
I swam in the sea at the beach.
Q2 of 10 football / children / the / park / the / in / played
the children played football in the park
Q3 of 10 ? / keys / you / did / find / your
did you find your keys?
Q4 of 10 the / left / we / hotel / bags / our / at
We left our bags at the hotel.
Q5 of 10 school / she / to / didn't / yesterday / go
she didn't go to school yesterday
Q6 of 10 at / meeting / he / was / the / ?
was he at the meeting?
Q7 of 10 night / we / good / went / a / to / last / restaurant
We went to a good restaurant last night.
Q8 of 10 study / he / exam / didn't / the / for
he didn't study for the exam
Buenas tardes soy Claudia
ReplyDeleteQ1 of 8
swam / beach / I / the / at / sea / in / the
I swam in the sea at at the beach
Q2 of 8
football / children / the / park / the / in / played
The children played football in the park
Q3 of 8
? / keys / you / did / find / your
Did you find your keys?
Q4 of 8
the / left / we / hotel / bags / our / at
We left our bags at the hotel
Q5 of 8
school / she / to / didn't / yesterday / go
She didn't go to school yesterday
Q6 of 8
at / meeting / he / was / the / ?
Was he at the meeting?
Q7 of 8
night / we / good / went / a / to / last / restaurant
We went to a good restaurant last night
Q8 of 8
study / he / exam / didn't / the / for
He didn't study for the exam
Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis.
ocultar explicación
Q1 of 10
Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan did not work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamed I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
María Mejía Heredia.
Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis.
ocultar explicación
Q1 of 10
Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan did not work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamt I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Q1 of 10
ReplyDeleteSam _stopped___ (stop) the car to take a picture.
Q2 of 10
I studied____ (study) for the exam for three hours.
Q3 of 10
They were____ (be) happy to be home.
Q4 of 10
Sally ___was__ (be) disappointed she __missed___ (miss) the party.
Sally (be) disappointed she (miss) the party.
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always _went_ (go) to Florida for the summer.
Q6 of 10
Dan __did not work__ (not/work) last week.
Q7 of 10
_Did__ you ___wash__ (wash) the dishes?
you (wash) the dishes?
Q8 of 10
I dreamed__ (dream) I could fly last night.
Q9 of 10
We _met__ (meet) them at the restaurant.
Q10 of 10
___Did__ you ___find__ (find) your book?
you (find) your book?
Q1 of 10
Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan did not work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
Did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamed I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
Did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
ReplyDeleteocultar explicación
Q1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
The children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
We left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
She didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
He didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
ReplyDeleteQ1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
The children played football in the park.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
We left our bags at the hotel.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
She didn't go to school yesterday.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
Was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
He didn't study for the exam.
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
ReplyDeleteocultar explicación
Q1 of 8
i swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
She didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
we went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
ReplyDeleteocultar explicación
Q1 of 10
Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan didn't work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamt I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Q1 of 8
ReplyDeleteI swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta incorrecta: La respuesta correcta es:
I swam in the sea at the beach.
Muchos verbos son irregulares en el pasado.
Q2 of 8
The children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
We left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
She didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
Was he at the meeting ?
Respuesta incorrecta: La respuesta correcta es:
Was he at the meeting?
El verbo auxiliar "did" no es necesario cuando el verbo principal es "to be".
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
He didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
respuestas correctas 6 75%
Q1 of 10
ReplyDeleteSam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan did not work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
Did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamed I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
Did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Respuestas correctas 10 100%
Q1 of 10
ReplyDeleteSam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan did not work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamt I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
Q1 of 10
ReplyDeleteSam stopped the car to take a picture.
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Q4 of 10
Sally was (be) disappointed she missed the party.
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Q6 of 10
Dan did not work last week.
Q7 of 10
Did you wash the dishes?
Q8 of 10
I dreamed I could fly last night.
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Q10 of 10
Did you find your book?
Edgar Cruz Castañeda
Q1 of 8
ReplyDeleteI swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
she didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
Was he at the meeting?
Respuesta incorrecta: La respuesta correcta es:
Was he at the meeting?
El verbo auxiliar "did" no es necesario cuando el verbo principal es "to be".
Q7 of 8
we went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
87 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
Q1 of 8
ReplyDeleteswam / beach / I / the / at / sea / in / the : I swam in the sea at the beach
Q2 of 8
football / children / the / park / the / in / played : The children played football in the park
Q3 of 8
? / keys / you / did / find / your : Did you find your keys?
Q4 of 8
the / left / we / hotel / bags / our / at : We left our bags at the hotel.
Q5 of 8
school / she / to / didn't / yesterday / go : She didn´t go to school yesterday.
Q6 of 8
at / meeting / he / was / the / ? : Was he at the meeting?
Q7 of 8
night / we / good / went / a / to / last / restaurant : We went to a good restaurant last night.
Q8 of 8
study / he / exam / didn't / the / for : He didn´t study for the exam.
Edgar Cruz Castañeda
Q1 of 10
ReplyDeleteSam stopped the car to take a picture.
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Q6 of 10
Dan did not work last week.
Q7 of 10
Did you wash the dishes?
Q8 of 10
I dreamed I could fly last night.
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Q10 of 10
Did you find your book?
Q1 of 8
ReplyDeleteswam / beach / I / the / at / sea / in / the : I swam in the beach.
Q2 of 8
football / children / the / park / the / in / played : The children played football in the part.
Q3 of 8
? / keys / you / did / find / your : Did you find your keys?
Q4 of 8
the / left / we / hotel / bags / our / at : We left our bags at the hotel.
Q5 of 8
school / she / to / didn't / yesterday / go : She didn´t go to school yesterday.
Q6 of 8
at / meeting / he / was / the / ? : Was he at the meeting?
Q7 of 8
night / we / good / went / a / to / last / restaurant : We went to a good restaurant last night.
Q8 of 8
study / he / exam / didn't / the / for : He didn´t study for the exam.
Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto.
ocultar explicación
Q1 of 8
i swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
she didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
we went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
ReplyDeleteMy name is Luis Ricardo Velazquez Valle
Good night through this I send my test result
Q1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
We left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
She didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
Was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
He didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
¡Te recomendamos pasar a la siguiente lecci
Q1 of 10
ReplyDeleteSam STOPPED the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I STUDIED for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They WERE happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally WAS disappointed she MISSED the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always WENT to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan DIDNOT WORK last week.
Respuesta incorrecta: La respuesta correcta es:
Dan didn't work / did not work last week.
Q7 of 10
DID you WASH the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I DREAMT I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We MET them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
DID you FIND your book?
ocultar explicación
Q1 of 8
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
Respuesta correcta
Hola maestra Connie
ReplyDeleteSoy ROGELIO Nagera Rosa
Q1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
The children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
We left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
She didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
He didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Eduardo Miguel Chilian Hermosillo.
Q1 of 10
Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 10
I studied for the exam for three hours.
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 10
They were happy to be home.
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 10
Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 10
When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 10
Dan didn't work last week.
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 10
Did you wash the dishes?
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 10
I dreamed I could fly last night.
Respuesta correcta
Q9 of 10
We met them at the restaurant.
Respuesta correcta
Q10 of 10
Did you find your book?
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
Eduardo Miguel Chilian Hermosillo.
Q1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
she didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
we went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %
Respuestas correctas
Respuestas incorrectas
ReplyDelete1. Sam stopped the car to take a picture.
2. I studied for the exam for three hours.
3. They were happy to be home.
4. Sally was disappointed she missed the party.
5. When I was young, we always went to Florida for the summer.
6. Dan didn't work / did not work last week.
7. Did you wash the dishes?
8. I dreamt / dreamed I could fly last night.
9. We met them at the restaurant.
10. Did you find your book?
Juan Emmanuel Barragán Hernández Maestría en Formación y Práctica Docente.
ReplyDeleteQ1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
she didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Carolina Fiesco Sanchez
ReplyDeleteQ1 of 8
I swam in the sea at the beach
Respuesta correcta
Q2 of 8
the children played football in the park
Respuesta correcta
Q3 of 8
Did you find your keys?
Respuesta correcta
Q4 of 8
we left our bags at the hotel
Respuesta correcta
Q5 of 8
she didn't go to school yesterday
Respuesta correcta
Q6 of 8
was he at the meeting?
Respuesta correcta
Q7 of 8
We went to a good restaurant last night
Respuesta correcta
Q8 of 8
he didn't study for the exam
Respuesta correcta
Tu nota es la siguiente:
100 %