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Vocabulary skill: suffixes 

Si quieres aumentar tu vocabulario rápidamente, uno de los trucos más efectivos es aprender cómo se forman las palabras (word formation). Las palabras en inglés pueden tener prefijos (letras que se añaden al principio de una palabra) o sufijos (al final). Los sufijos pueden cambiar el significado o la función de una palabra. Si conoces los más comunes y cómo usarlos, te será mucho más fácil deducir el significado de una palabra nueva. Además, ampliarás tu vocabulario instantáneamente al crear derivados de las palabras que ya conoces. A continuación te explicamos cómo utilizarlos y los tipos de palabras con sufijos que existen.

Ejemplos de sufijos en inglés para sustantivos


Se añade a sustantivos o adjetivos para formar otros sustantivos. Por ejemplo:
  • King / kingdom (rey / reino)
  • Free / freedom (libre / libertad)

-ess / -ine

Para cambiar el género de un sustantivo de masculino a femenino. Por ejemplo:
  • Waiter / waitress (camarero / camarera)
  • Actor / actress (actor / actriz)


Este sufijo tiene un significado de "abundancia de algo" y se puede añadir a sustantivos para formar sustantivos o adjetivos. Por ejemplo:
  • Flavour / flavourful (sabor / sabroso)
  • Wonder / wonderful (maravilla / maravilloso)


Un sufijo para formar sustantivos abstractos a partir de otros sustantivos. También puede aplicarse a adjetivos y verbos. Por ejemplo:
  • Dictator / dictatorship (dictador / dictadura)
  • Citizen / citizenship (ciudadano / ciudadanía)


Otro sufijo que indica abundancia y que se puede añadir al final de un sustantivo para formar adjetivos. Por ejemplo:
  • Hair / hairy (pelo / peludo)
  • Rain / rainy (lluvia / lluvioso)

Ejemplos de sufijos en inglés para adjetivos


Se añade a adjetivos o a sustantivos para formar adverbios. Por ejemplo:
  • Slow / slowly (lento / con lentitud, lentamente)
  • Week / weekly (semana / semanal)


Con este sufijo podemos transformar un adjetivo en un sustantivo. Si el adjetivo termina en -y, se cambia por una -i para poder agregar el sufijo. Por ejemplo:
  • Lonely / loneliness (solo / soledad)
  • Dark / darkness (oscuro / oscuridad)

- less

Este sufijo puede transformar un adjetivo o un sustantivo en un sustantivo. Al contrario que -ness, indica que la palabra resultante está desprovista de la cualidad que indica la palabra original. Por ejemplo:
  • Use / Useless (uso / inútil)
  • End / Endless (final / sin final, ilimitado)

Ejemplos de sufijos en inglés para verbos


Para formar adjetivos a partir de verbos. Por ejemplo:
  • To drink / drinkable (beber / bebible)
  • To reason / reasonable (razonar / razonable)


Otro sufijo para convertir verbos a sustantivos. Fíjate en que, en caso necesario, se cambia la e final del verbo por una a:
  • To insure / insurance (asegurar / seguro)
  • To guide / guidance (guiar / guía)


Se añade a verbos para designar a la persona que realiza la acción en cuestión. Por ejemplo:
  • To speak / speaker (hablar / hablante)
  • To teach / teacher (enseñar / el que enseña, profesor)


Complementario del anterior, este sufijo designa a la persona que recibe la acción indicada por el verbo original. Por ejemplo:
  • To employ / employee (emplear / empleado)


Convierte verbos en sustantivos. Por ejemplo:
  • To enlarge / enlargement (alargar / alargamiento)
  • To move / movement (mover / movimiento)


  1. Hello miss connie...
    I am Maria de los Angeles Garcia.
    This is my suffixes task.

    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship boredom happiness celebration
    neighbourhood relationship freedom illness imagination
    childhood membership kingdom kindness competition

    Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 83%.

    1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to heighten young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE

    Thank you.

  2. +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood, friendship, freedom, happiness, celebration,
    childhood,membership, kingdom, illness, competition, neighbourhood,
    relationship, boredom, kindness, imagination

    Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 90%.
    1. You need to LENGTHEN the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The LENGTH of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in DEPTH. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to DEEPEN my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to THICKEN the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the THICKNESS of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same HEIGHT. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to HEIGHTEN young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to FLATTEN their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its FLATNESS. FLAT
    11. What's the WIDTH of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to WIDEN the bridge. WIDE


  3. Hi! miss connie
    My name is Madai Sainz González

    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood, friendship, freedom, happiness, celebration,
    childhood,membership, kingdom, illness, competition, neighbourhood,
    relationship, boredom, kindness, imagination

    Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 90%.
    1. You need to LENGTHEN the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The LENGTH of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in DEPTH. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to DEEPEN my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to THICKEN the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the THICKNESS of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same HEIGHT. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to HEIGHTEN young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to FLATTEN their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its FLATNESS. FLAT
    11. What's the WIDTH of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to WIDEN the bridge. WIDE


    1. You need to –-lengthen-- the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The –length-- of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in –depth--. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to –deepen-- my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to –thicken-- the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the –thickness-- of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same –height--. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to –heighten-- young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to –flatten-- their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its –flatness--. FLAT
    11. What's the –width-- of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to –widen-- the bridge. WIDE


    + hood= adulthood, neighborhood, childhood
    +ship= friendship, relationship, membership.
    +dom= boredom, freedom, kingdom.
    +Ness= happiness, illness, kindness.
    +tion= celebration, competition, imagination

  6. Word Formation Processes: Sufixation
    Completa el siguiente crucigrama con palabras derivadas mediante la sufijación. Para obtener las pistas tienes que hacer clic en una de las casillas numeradas. Luego escribe la palabra en la caja que aparece al lado de la pista.
    Across: 9: As a painter, you need a lot of ......... (imagine)
    2J U D G E M E N T
    3R R
    4B E A U T I F U L L Y
    L U
    A 5C H I L D I S H 6R
    T E
    7P U R I T Y A
    O 8C H A N G E A B L E
    N R I
    S E Z
    H A E
    9I M A G I N A T I O N
    P I
    E Word Formation Processes: Sufixation
    Completa el siguiente crucigrama con palabras derivadas mediante la sufijación. Para obtener las pistas tienes que hacer clic en una de las casillas numeradas. Luego escribe la palabra en la caja que aparece al lado de la pista.
    Across: 9: As a painter, you need a lot of ......... (imagine)
    2J U D G E M E N T
    3R R
    4B E A U T I F U L L Y
    L U
    A 5C H I L D I S H 6R
    T E
    7P U R I T Y A
    O 8C H A N G E A B L E
    N R I
    S E Z
    H A E
    9I M A G I N A T I O N
    P I
    ejercicio de María Mejía Heredia


  7. 1. You need to LENGTHEN the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The LENGTH of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in DEPTH. DEEP
    4. I’m trying to DEEPEN my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to THICKEN the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the THICKNESS of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same HEIGHT. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to HEIGHTEN young people’s awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to FLATTEN their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its FLATNESS. FLAT
    11. What’s the WINDEH of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to WINDEN the bridge. WIDE

    María Mejía Heredia

  8. Octavio Gutierrez de la O. / Maestría en Formación y Practica Docente
    Your score is 92%.

    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship boredom happiness celebration

    neighborhood relationship freedom illness competition

    childhood membership kingdom kindness imagination

  9. Octavio Gutierrez de la O. / Maestría en Formación y Practica Docente
    Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 92%.

    1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to heighten young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE

  10. Hi, i am Verónica Isaías, up, maestría en educ. media superior

    Your score is 82%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.

    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship kingdom happiness
    neighbourhood relationship freedom illness celebration
    childhood membership kingdom kindness competition

  11. +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship boredom happiness celebration
    neighbourhood relationship freedom illness imagination
    childhood membership kingdom kindness competition

    Edgar Cruz Castañeda

  12. +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship boredom happiness celebration
    neighbourhood relationship freedom illness imagination
    childhood membership kingdom kindness competition

  13. Your score is 78%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.

    +hood: neighbourhood/ childhood
    +ship: relationship
    +dom: freedom/boredom/kingdom
    +ness: happiness/kindness
    +tion: celebration/ competition/ imagination

  14. Your score is 71%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.
    1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The
    of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to
    young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the
    of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE


  15. My name is Luis Ricardo Velazquez Valle
    Good night through this I send my test result

    Your score is 87%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.
    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood relationship boredom illness competition
    neighbourhood relationship kingdom kindness celebration
    childhood membership
    kindness imagination

  16. My name is Luis Ricardo Velázquez Valle.
    Good evening through this, I send you the result of my test.

    Your score is 100%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.
    1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to
    young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE

  17. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 100%.
    1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to heighten young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE

  18. 1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to heighten young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE


  19. +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthooD Friendship Kingdom Happiness Celebration

    Childhood BOREDSHIP Freedom illness Competition

    Neighbourhood RELATIONSHIP MEMBERDOM Kindness Imagination

    Your score is 83%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.
    1. You need to
    the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The LENGTH of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the THICKNESS of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to
    young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE


  20. Hola Maestra Connie...
    Soy Rogelio Najera Rosas

    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood, friendship, freedom, happiness, celebration,
    childhood,membership, kingdom, illness, competition, neighbourhood,
    relationship, boredom, kindness, imagination

    1. You need to LENGTHEN the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The LENGTH of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in DEPTH. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to DEEPEN my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to THICKEN the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the THICKNESS of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same HEIGHT. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to HEIGHTEN young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to FLATTEN their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its FLATNESS. FLAT
    11. What's the WIDTH of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to WIDEN the bridge. WIDE

  21. Palabras derivadas con sufijos
    Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 39%.
    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship kingdom happiness imagination
    neighbourhood relationship freedom illness competition
    childhood membership kingdom kindness celebration

  22. Eduardo Miguel Chilian Hermosillo.

    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood membership kingdom happiness imagination
    neighbourhood relationship freedom kindness competition
    childhood friendship boredom illness celebration


    Palabras derivadas con sufijos
    Completa el recuadro con sustantivos obtenidos con los sufíjos +hood, +ship, +dom, +ness, +tion a partir de las siguientes palabras: adult, bored, celebrate, child, compete, free, friend, happy, imagine, ill, kind, king, member, neighbour, relation. Tienes un ejemplo.
    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion














  24. 1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to heighten young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE

  25. Buenas noches son Claudia

    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood relationship freedom happinees celebration
    neighbourhood friendship kingdom illness imaginetion
    childhood membership boredom kindnees competition

  26. Buenas noches soy Claudia

    1. You need to __lengthen_the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG

    2. The __length__ of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG

    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in _depth____. DEEP

    4. I'm trying to _deepen_ my understanding of the issue. DEEP

    5. We need to __thicken_ the north wall of the house. THICK

    6. How do you measure the _thickeness_of the ice cap? THICK

    7. My sister and I are more or less the same ____height_ . HIGH

    8. We need to make an effort to _heighten_ young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH

    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT

    10. Iowa is known for its flatnees___. FLAT

    11. What's the __width__of the door frame? WIDE

    12. They are going to _widen_the bridge. WIDE

  27. Many members of academia marvel (or react with rejection) at the rapid changes in the production and dissemination of scholarly work and interaction between academics and those "outside" academic institutionseducation institutions are participating in social media (such as Twitter), as an important aspect of their research and teaching work.. Thousands of scholars and higher

    There is still considerable resistance to embracing social media tools for educational purposes, but if you are reading this article you are probably willing to consider their positive effects. New technologies have slow adoption cycles, and often the learning curve is steep. Those already using these tools within academic contexts should not be considered a priori as "the converted"; perception and usage of social media varies wildly, and due to the inherently fluid and malleable nature of the platforms themselves we are still in the process of assessing all their possibilities.

    Mobile phones and tablets enable the user in producing content, and to publish and disseminate it online. The microblogging platform Twitter is purposefully designed to exchange information and to facilitate reciprocal communication and attribution, therefore enabling the creation of communities of individuals interested in common topics. But the easy part of tweeting is publishing content; the difficult side is actually committing to active public engagement. This is where "the ear", our ability to listen and to place ourselves in a particular context at a particular time, comes to the fore.

    In traditional scholarly communications, academics produced a document (a thesis, an article, a book) and then sent it to someone else to review it, edit it, publish it, distribute it. It was a unidirectional mode of operation, even if the document was produced by research teams.

    Today, more and more academics are creating content and posting it online. They make it available, but this does not necessarily guarantee people will read it. Whereas online availability is very important, what brings the process to fruition is engagement: the work of scholarly authorship does not end with publication: that is just the beginning.

    Therefore, the 21st century scholar has the tools not only to publish and disseminate, but also to facilitate the development of specialised audiences, and therefore of what is called "impact": people read, and in turn write about your work, which is in turn read by others. "It's a conversation, not a lecture," is a well-known trope that is useful to remember in the scholarly web. This does not mean we should spend every waking hour chatting to strangers on social networks; it means that social media is not a uni-directional broadcasting tool. Those who "follow" us online are likely to be our students, colleagues, employers. They are not a passive audience.
    María Mejía Heredia.

  28. Juan Emmanuel Barragán Hernández Maestría en Formación y Práctica Docente.
    *hood *ship *dom *ness *tion
    adulthood/ friendship /boredom /happiness/ celebration
    neighbour/hood /relationship /freedom /illness /imagination
    childhood /membership /kingdom /kindness /competition

  29. Your score is 88%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change

  30. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 93%.
    1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to heighten young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE

  31. 1,.You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to heighten young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE

    Your score is 84%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.
    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship boredom happiness celebration

    relationship freedom kindness imagination
    childhood membership kingdom

  33. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 99%.
    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship boredom happiness celebration
    neighbourhood relationship freedom illness competition
    childhood membership kingdom kindness imagination

  34. Your score is 90%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.
    1. You need to LENGTHEN the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The LENGTH of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in DEPTH. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to DEEPEN my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to THICKEN the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the THICKNESS of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same HEIGHT. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to HEIGHTEN young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to FLATTEN their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its FLATNESS. FLAT
    11. What's the WIDTH of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to
    the bridge. WIDE

  35. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 99%.
    1. He made a CONSIDERABLE amount of money as a broker. (CONSIDER)
    It was very CONSIDERATE of you to invite me. (CONSIDER)
    2. I was EXHAUSTED after running the marathon. (EXHAUST)
    The bibliography for the course is by no means EXHAUSTIVE. (EXHAUST)
    3. If you are ill, it's more SENSIBLE to stay at home than go to the office. (SENSE)
    Space-shuttles carry a lot of SENSITIVE instruments on board.(SENSE)
    4. Cleaning houses is a perfectly RESPECTABLE trade. (RESPECT)
    Students are not RESPECTFUL of teachers nowadays. (RESPECT)
    5. When you work in advertising, you need to be really IMAGINATIVE. (IMAGINE)
    Little children often have IMAGINARY friends. (IMAGINE)
    6. She is such an INDUSTRIOUS student - she always works very hard! (INDUSTRY)
    Glasgow is an INDUSTRIAL city. (INDUSTRY)

  36. Your score is 90%.
    Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.
    1.Noun: wood ----- Adjective: wooden (made of wood)
    2.Noun: help ----- Adjective: helpful (providing lots of help)
    3.Verb: to explore ----- Noun: exploration (the process of exploring)
    4.Adjective: hard ----- Verb: to harden (to become hard)
    5.Noun: Paris ----- Adjective: parisian (something which belongs to Paris)
    6.Adjective: calm ----- Adverb: calmly (in a calm way)
    7.Adjective: mean ----- Noun: meanness (the quality of being mean)
    8. Adjective: simple ----- Verb: to simplify (to make simple)
    9. Verb: to wash ----- Adjective: washable (which can be washed)
    10. Noun: child ----- Adjective:
    (behaving like a child; negative quality)

  37. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 100%.
    +hood +ship +dom +ness +tion
    adulthood friendship boredom happiness celebration
    neighbourhood relationship freedom illness competition
    childhood membership kingdom kindness imagination

  38. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 100%.
    1. You need to lengthen the trousers if you want to wear them at the party. LONG
    2. The length of your abstract should not exceed 500 words. LONG
    3. You are supposed to analyse the data in depth. DEEP
    4. I'm trying to deepen my understanding of the issue. DEEP
    5. We need to thicken the north wall of the house. THICK
    6. How do you measure the thickness of the ice cap? THICK
    7. My sister and I are more or less the same height. HIGH
    8. We need to make an effort to heighten young people's awareness of global warming. HIGH
    9. People do sit-ups to flatten their stomach. FLAT
    10. Iowa is known for its flatness. FLAT
    11. What's the width of the door frame? WIDE
    12. They are going to widen the bridge. WIDE

  39. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 100%.
    1. He made a considerable amount of money as a broker. (CONSIDER)
    It was very considerate of you to invite me. (CONSIDER)
    2. I was exhausted after running the marathon. (EXHAUST)
    The bibliography for the course is by no means exhaustive. (EXHAUST)
    3. If you are ill, it's more sensible to stay at home than go to the office. (SENSE)
    Space-shuttles carry a lot of sensitive instruments on board.(SENSE)
    4. Cleaning houses is a perfectly respectable trade. (RESPECT)
    Students are not respectful of teachers nowadays. (RESPECT)
    5. When you work in advertising, you need to be really imaginative. (IMAGINE)
    Little children often have imaginary friends. (IMAGINE)
    6. She is such an industrious student - she always works very hard! (INDUSTRY)
    Glasgow is an industrial city. (INDUSTRY)

  40. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 100%.
    1.Noun: wood ----- Adjective: wooden (made of wood)
    2.Noun: help ----- Adjective: helpful (providing lots of help)
    3.Verb: to explore ----- Noun: exploration (the process of exploring)
    4.Adjective: hard ----- Verb: to harden (to become hard)
    5.Noun: Paris ----- Adjective: parisian (something which belongs to Paris)
    6.Adjective: calm ----- Adverb: calmly (in a calm way)
    7.Adjective: mean ----- Noun: meanness (the quality of being mean)
    8. Adjective: simple ----- Verb: to simplify (to make simple)
    9. Verb: to wash ----- Adjective: washable (which can be washed)
    10. Noun: child ----- Adjective: childish (behaving like a child; negative quality)

  41. Correct! Well done.
    Your score is 100%.
    1 wonderful
    2 judgement
    3 relationship
    4 beautifully
    5 childish
    6 realize
    7 purity
    8 horizontal- changeable
    8 vertical- creative
    9 imagination


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